Wat Phra Dhammakaya Albury
วัดพระธรรมกายอัลบูรี ประเทศออสเตรเลีย
Wat Phra Dhammakaya Albury was located 302 East Street, East Albury NSW 2640 and started in late 2010 when Phrakrusamu Satit Thitadhammo traveled from Wat Phra Dhammakaya Sydney to provide Sunday service at its first temporary premises in South Albury. It was the first time that Buddhist knowledge and practice become accessible to the local community on a regular basis.
In September 2013 the Service was moved to be held in Thagoona with the generous support by AISHA FLOW YOGA. In the meantime, the group was seeking a permanent place to settle and finally found a suitable and peaceful site in East Albury.
“Our commitment is to make Buddhist knowledge and practice become accessible for communities in this regional city.”

Albury is between the borders of New South Wales and Victoria, Australia.
It is about 600 kilometers from Sydney, 330 kilometers from Melbourne, and 340 kilometers from Canberra.
Albury is promoted by the Government as a central regional city. where local residents do not have to travel far to the capital to access services
Wat Phra Dhammakaya Albury is the center of Buddhism for the local people in English.
It has been granted permission from the municipality to officially open like a temple. Located in an area of 7 Rai in the midst of nature and near the city.

Phrakrusamu Satit Thitadhammo
Abbot of Wat Phra Dhammakaya Albury, Australia

Phone : +61 4114 53946

National Australia Bank
"The Good Friends Albury Inc."
BSB: 082406, ACC: 713485490